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Tag: Islam




breaking your fast

Breaking Your Fast the Smart and Healthy Way

Breaking Your Fast the Smart and Healthy Way Fasting has numerous health benefits if a proper nutrition plan is followed. Studies have shown a close...

Is Cooked Spinach Better than Raw?

Is Cooked Spinach Better than Raw? Check any list of the most nutritious super foods that should be a part of a healthy diet and...

Remove Toxins and Cleanse Your Liver With These Foods

Remove Toxins and Cleanse Your Liver With These Foods Every one of our day to day activities ranging from the food we eat, to the...

Eat Strawberries This Summer – The Benefits for Your Body

Eat Strawberries This Summer - The Benefits for Your Body We all love ripe strawberries, possibly because they are sweet. But, do you also know...
blood pressure

15 Foods To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally – A Comprehensive Guide

15 Foods to Reduce Blood Pressure Pharmaceutical companies may want you to believe that pills are the only way...

Wake Up Right – Benefits of a Daily Morning Wheatgrass Shot

Wake Up Right - Benefits of a Daily Morning Wheatgrass Shot Breakfast is widely hailed as the most important meal of the day, but the...