Tags Watermelon

Tag: watermelon





Eat Strawberries This Summer – The Benefits for Your Body

Eat Strawberries This Summer - The Benefits for Your Body We all love ripe strawberries, possibly because they are sweet. But, do you also know...
humans meant to be herbivores

Are Humans Meant to Be Herbivores?

Are Humans Meant to Be Herbivores? It seems as though every few years another diet trend comes along that encourages people to fill their plates with...
gluten hides

Watch Out: Sneaky Places Gluten Hides

Uncovering Gluten: Common Places It Hides in Foods When people start a gluten free diet, cutting out major sources...
clean your body

Five Ways to Clean Your Body Naturally

Five Ways to Clean Your Body Naturally You only have to flip through advertisements in a magazine, watch an infomercial, or browse the web to...
vegan lifestyle

Why Switch to a Vegan Lifestyle?

Why Switch to a Vegan Lifestyle? Deciding to become a vegan is not the challenging part, but maintaining a vegan lifestyle is. Being a vegan...
superfoods for athletes

Top Five Super Foods for Athletes

Top Five Super Foods for Athletes Super foods earn their superstar status for good reasons. Super foods earn their “super” superlative by being rich in...